In the spring 2011 i was asked to make a poster for the charity project Posters for Japan to help the victims of the Multiple disasters that struck Japan also in the spring 2011. For the project I made the SobelCirkel.
SobelCirkel is a poster created using videofeedback with Sobel EdgeDetect filters in the feedback loop. This setup allows for manipulation of zoom, rotation and edgedetect parameters. These in total six parameters are laid out on a standard game controller so you can easily and quickly go through many iterations. A total of 25 versions was created and one selected from those. In the chosen version, the central element is an invisible Circle that via rotation and zoom generate what can resemble ripples. The circle and the ripples can bring many associations with it and along the recursive nature of the videofeedback allow for many possible interpretations.
You can Buy your copy of the poster here
The work is released under creative commons with the licence BY-NC-SA v. 3.0
You can Buy your copy of the poster here
The work is released under creative commons with the licence BY-NC-SA v. 3.0